File Types

3D Studio Max (.MAX)

Graphic format.  3D Studio Pro cannot be previewed.

Adobe PageMaker (.PMD)

DTP program. Adobe PageMaker files cannot be previewed.

Adobe Portable Document Format (.PDF)

This is a common document format generated by Adobe Acrobat and licensees thereof.  PDF cannot be previewed.  You can also find Adobe Illustrator files (.ai) using this option.

Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)

Adobe Photoshop files can be previewed in Recover My Files.  Sometimes a recovered file may be reported as corrupted in the preview pane of Recover My Files; however some of the image may still be successfully recovered.  The best course of action is to try and open the recovered PSD file using Adobe Photoshop, and then use Save As. Alternately, other utilities such as the freeware graphic viewing utility “IrfanView” ( may prove successful.

AutoCAD versions 13, 14 and 2000 (.DWG and .DXF)

There are two types of AutoCAD files that Recover My Files can recover, DWG files and DXF files. DWG files should be selected under the “Graphics” section of file types to recover.  DXF files are text files. To recover DXF files select the “Text” file type under the “Documents” section of file types to recover.  DWG files cannot be previewed however DXF files are text and can be previewed.  [Services are available on the Internet to repair corrupted AutoCAD files.]

Avery Design Pro (.ZDP)

Avery Design Pro files cannot be previewed.

Bitmap (.BMP)

Bitmap are an older Windows graphics file format, commonly used for desktop Wallpapers and images created by Microsoft Paint.  BMP files can be previewed.

Cabinet (.CAB)

Cabinet files are generated by a Windows install utility used during software installation processes. A listing of the files and folders contained within a CAB file can be previewed.

Canon Raw Images (.CRW) – special procedure

Canon Raw images are created by Canon Digital cameras and stored on digital camera media. Digital cameras store images in several formats; Canon digital cameras include the CRW file format.  The CRW format consists of the raw CCD data stored directly onto the digital camera’s media (e.g. Compact Flash). CRW files contain embedded JPEG files; Recover My Files can locate and preview these files.  



Corel Draw (.CDR)

CDR files can be recovered but cannot be previewed.

Dbase and FoxPro (.DBF)

This option will retrieve XBase, dBase III, IV, V, and Visual FoxPro database files.  DBF files can be previewed.

Encapsulated Postscript  (.EPS)

EPS is the main format written by Adobe for interchanging data between programs. It can contain both vector info and raster info. [Vector graphics is a technique for representing a picture as points, lines and other geometric entities.  Rasterization is performed by a raster image processor (RIP), which turns text and images into the matrix of pixels (bitmap) that will be displayed on screen or printed on the page.  Both these data types are for onscreen or printed graphics].

EPS files which contain a “thumbnail” can be can be previewed.  EPS files that cannot be previewed may still be valid files and should be saved as they may be able to be opened by their creating application.

Enhanced Metafile (.EMF) & Windows Metafile (.WMF)

EMF and WMF files are often used by Windows to store and transport graphic data between operations. For example, when Windows spools documents to a printer, a graphical image of the document to be printed is created and stored as a temporary file. Hence it is possible to recover deleted and lost EMF or WMF files which display an original document even if the original printed document no longer exists on the computer.

EMF and WMF files can be previewed.

Family TreeMaker (.FTW)

Family TreeMaker is a genealogy program. Family TreeMaker files cannot be previewed.


Font File (.FON)

Font files contain fonts used on Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems.  .FON files default to a filesize of 256KB. .FON files cannot be previewed.

Generic Email (.TXT)

Many email programs save email messages as special text files.  These can be previewed.

GIF – Graphics Interchange Format (.GIF)

GIF files are commonly used to store small images on web pages.

GIF files can be previewed.


GUEMap is a program for mapping interactive fiction games (Adventure games).  By default GUE files are saved with a filesize of 256KB.  To restore a recovered GUE file to its original file size it should be opened and re-saved using the GUE Map application.  GUE files cannot be previewed.

GIS Shape (.SHP and .SHX)

GIS Shape files are maps containing geological and topographical data.  To successfully recover a complete data set containing GIS information, 3 files must be recovered. They are:

1. Shape file (.SHP)

2. Geometry index file (.SHX)

3. Dbase file (.DBF)

To recover these 3 different files it is necessary to select “GIS Shape files (.SHP and .SHX) as well as Dbase files (.DBF) in the types of files to recover. .SHP and .SHX file can not yet be previewed, however .DBF files can be previewed.


GZIP files contain only 1 file.  If possible the files name will be displayed.

Help Files (.HLP)

Help files are commonly supplied with applications.  Help files cannot be previewed.

HTML – Web Pages (.HTM)

HTML is the format of World Wide Web pages. HTML files can be previewed.

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group (.JPG)

JPEG files come in two formats:

1. JFIF – JPEG File Interchange File Format

2. EXIF – Exchangeable Image File Format

JFIF and EXIF file formats both have the .JPG file extension. Both of these file type can be previewed.

Lotus Word Pro (.LWP)

Lotus Word Pro files default to 1MB in file size. The default filesize can be changed using the Options. LWP files cannot be previewed.

LZH Archive (.LZH)

A listing of the files and folders contained within a LZH file can be previewed.

Microsoft Access (.MDB)

MDB files cannot be previewed.  Various programs use this format, and files created by these programs will be found using this option.  Examples of these programs are: Legacy Family Tree Deluxe, and old versions of Microsoft Money (pre version 99).

Microsoft Excel (.XLS)

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets can be previewed, including each worksheet, with formatting.  Sometimes a corrupt Excel document can be opened and then saved successfully using the OpenOffice application (

Microsoft Money (.MNY)

This filetype is for Microsoft Money v2000 and above.  Older MS-Money files need to be located using the Microsoft Access option.  MNY files cannot be previewed.

Microsoft Outlook Email (.PST)

PST files cannot be previewed.

Microsoft Outlook Express (.DBX)

A listing of the emails contained within a DBX file can be previewed.

Microsoft Outlook Address Book (.WAB)

WAB files cannot be previewed.

Microsoft PhotoDraw (.MIX)

Microsoft PhotoDraw files cannot be previewed.

Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT)

Microsoft PowerPoint presentations cannot be previewed.

Microsoft Project (.MPP)

Microsoft Project files cannot be previewed.

Microsoft Publisher (.PUB)

Microsoft Publisher files cannot be previewed.

Microsoft SQL Server (.MDF)

SQL files cannot be previewed.

Microsoft Visio (.VSD)

Some Visio drawings contain a thumbnail and can be previewed.  Visio documents without a thumbnail cannot be previewed.  In some instances the thumbnail can be previewed but the Visio file is still corrupted.  The only true test is to open the file in the Visio application.

Microsoft Word (.DOC)

Microsoft Word documents can be previewed with some formatting.

Sometimes a corrupt Word document can be opened and then saved successfully using the OpenOffice application (

Microsoft Works Database (.WDB)

Microsoft Works Databases cannot be previewed.

Microsoft Works Document (.WPS)

Microsoft Works Documents can be previewed with some formatting.

Microsoft Works Spreadsheet (.WKS)

Microsoft Works Spreadsheets cannot be previewed.

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (.MID and .MIDI)

MIDI files cannot be previewed.

MYOB Accounts (.DAT)

MYOB files cannot be previewed.

Omnis (.DF1, .LBR, .OHR)

Omnis database files cannot be previewed.

Paint Shop Pro version 5, 6, 7, 8 (.PSP)

Paint Shop Pro images can be previewed.

Portable Network Graphic (.PNG)

PNG files are commonly used to display web based graphics files. 

PNG files can be previewed.

Quark Express (.QXD)

Quark Express files default to 10MB in filesize.  The default filesize can be changed using the Options. QXD files cannot be previewed.

Quattro Pro (.QPW)

Quattro Pro cannot be previewed.

QuickBooks (.QBW)

QuickBooks files cannot be previewed.

Quicken (.QDF)

This option only finds older style Quicken files (pre 2000).  Quicken files cannot be previewed.

RAR Archive (.RAR)

A listing of the files and folders contained within a RAR file can be previewed.

Rich Text Format (.RTF)

Common interchange format for word-processor files.  RTF files can be previewed.


SAS is a Statistical Analysis program.  SAS files cannot be previewed.

Sibelius Music (.SIB)

Sibelius is a music notation program. Sibelius music files cannot be previewed.

SmartDraw (.SDR)

SmartDraw is used to draw flowcharts, floor plans, organisational charts etc.  SDR files cannot be previewed.

Text Documents (.TXT)

Text documents can be previewed.

TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (.TIF)

TIFF files are commonly used to store faxes, scanned images and high resolution graphics. TIFF files can have multiple pages embedded, for instance in the case of a multi-paged fax.  Recover My Files can preview the first image in TIFF files.

True Type Font (.TTF)

True type font files contain fonts used on Windows, Macintosh an Linux operating systems.  TTF files cannot be previewed.

Unknown OLE (.$$$)

OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. Often these file are called a “Compound” or “Structured” file. Many different applications use the OLE format to store data native to that application.  For instance Microsoft uses the OLE format to store Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio files. Recover My Files can recover any type of OLE-formatted file.  If the content within the recovered OLE file is not known, then it becomes an “Unknown OLE” file.  Some examples of OLE files which are not explicitly recognised by Recover My Files are:

SigmaPlot (.JNB), Microsoft .NET Installation databases (.TMP), Email Message files (.MSG), and Microsoft Windows Thumbnail databases (.DB). Unknown OLE files are previewed in Hexadecimal.

WordPerfect Presentations (.SHW)

WordPerfect Presentations files cannot be previewed.

WordPerfect Documents and Graphics v8+ (.WPD and .WPG)

WordPerfect documents and WordPerfect graphics can be stored in an OLE formatted file (See “Unknown OLE” file format for more details). WordPerfect Documents and Graphics cannot be previewed.  To find all WordPerfect documents you must select this option and the
”WordPerfect 6 and 7” option.

WordPerfect 6 and 7 (.WPD)

WordPerfect documents cannot be previewed.

TAR – Tape Archive (.TAR)

A listing of the files and folders contained within a TAR file can be previewed.

ZIP Archive (.ZIP)

A listing of the files and folders contained within a ZIP file can be previewed.

Streaming Media Formats:
AIFF - Audio Interchange File Format (.AIF)
Audio Streaming Format (.ASF)
Audio Video Interleave (.AVI)
AVI is a common multimedia format for audio/video data.  AVI files cannot be previewed.
Moving Pictures Expert Group File (.MPG and .MPEG)
This is a digitally compressed video file, and is now commonly used due to its compression and high image quality. MPEG files cannot be previewed.
MP3 (.MP3)

MP3 files are related to the MPEG standard, but contain only compressed audio data.  They are now one of the most common audio format.  MP3 files cannot be previewed.

QuickTime Movie (.MOV)

MOV files cannot be previewed.


WAVE files are audio waveform files. WAVE files can be previewed.

Windows Media Audio (.WMA)
Windows Media Video (.WMV)

This also includes WMA, WMV Windows media audio Windows media Video.  The extension is always WMV.   ASF, WMA and WMV files cannot be previewed.